Flood Related Information


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ERD responds to flooding in Pakistan

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is providing emergency aid to people in Southern Pakistan after flooding caused severe damage in the region.Heavy rains caused flooding in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, in the Sindh Province and surrounding areas. Over 300 people have died from storm-related damage and flooding. Many areas of Karachi are without electricity and basic amenities, and there is concern of the development of water-borne diseases due to slow cleanup efforts. In the Balochistan province, 200 people are missing and two million people in 15 districts were affected by flooding.Gadap, the city worst affected by flooding, is located 34 miles outside of Karachi. Over 24 people were killed, over 200 others were injured, and one thousand homes were heavily damaged or completely ruined. The destruction was caused by 69 mile per-hour wind gusts followed by torrential rain that caused many of the homes and buildings in less developed areas to collapse. Residents are now dependent on contaminated water after the covers of the town's concrete water tanks were blown away. The floods killed livestock and destroyed 75 poultry farms. So far, the storms have caused damage estimated at 200 million rupees, close to $3.5 million U.S.ERD is working in partnership with Church World Service to provide emergency relief to 250 of vulnerable families in Gadap. Critical food supplies such as wheat flour, rice, cooking oil, sugar, tea leaves, iodized salt, powdered milk, and matches will be distributed to each family, particularly those most vulnerable such as widows, children, and the elderly.To help people affected by disasters, please make a donation to the "Emergency Relief Fund" online at http://www.er-d.org/, or call 1-800-334-7626, ext. 5129. Gifts can be mailed to: Episcopal Relief and Development "Emergency Relief Fund" P.O. Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.Episcopal Relief and Development is the international relief and development agency of the Episcopal Church of the United States. An independent 501(c) (3) organization, ERD saves lives and builds hope in communities around the world. ERD's programs work toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We provide emergency assistance in times of crisis and rebuild after disasters. We enable people to climb out of poverty by offering long-term solutions in the areas of food security and health care, including HIV/AIDS and malaria.With the exception of public UN sources, reproduction or redistribution of the above text, in whole, part or in any form, requires the prior consent of the original source.


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