Flood Related Information


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Pakistan: Floods/Cyclone OCHA Situation Report No. 20

Source: Reliefweb

This situation report is based on information received from the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Pakistan, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Pakistan Meteorological Department, Clusters, and media sources.

The NDMA reports five more deaths in Balochistan on 31 July. The total death toll is now 329 (202 in Balochistan and 127 in Sindh) with 224 people missing.

The NDMA reports that the population in relief camps has reduced from 35,340 on 30 July to 31,285 to date (27,200 in Balochistan and 4,083 in Sindh).

The NDMA noted that there is a need for a quick disbursement of government compensation grant in the affected areas of Sindh and Balochistan.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department reports that torrential rains are expected in western Sindh and eastern Balochistan over the next week, which could lead to flooding in vulnerable areas.


Sindh and Balochistan
1. The NDMA reports that the population in relief camps has reduced from 35,340 on 30 July to 31,285 to date (27,200 in Balochistan and 4,083 in Sindh).

2. Total relief camps are now 115 (89 in Balochistan and 7 in Sindh).

3. The majority of the 25,000 people that crossed from Jhal Magsi district in Balochistan to Shahdadkot town in Sindh last week still lack food and shelter.

4. An assessment from Church World Service indicates that 100,000 people affected in Thatta district of Sindh are facing a shortage of food and medicines. Farmers are in need of seeds for the next crop. The return process of the displaced is slow due to lack of sustainable rehabilitation options.

5. The PDMA (Provincial Disaster Management Authority) in Balochistan reports that 13,500 out of 36,724 households in 17 districts received cash grants of Rs 15,000 (approximately US$ 250). However, compensation distribution did not start in 4 districts: Bolan, Loralai, Washuk and Jhal Magsi. Some Rs 214 million (approximately US$3.5m) out of the allocated Rs 300 million (US$5m) has been paid so far.

6. The NDMA noted that there is a need of quick disbursement of Rs 15,000 in the remaining affected areas. In Sindh, a survey is currently being conducted by the district authorities on the number of affected households.

COORDINATION/ASSISTANCE (International & National)
7. A UN Area Coordinator’s Office was established in Sindh on 31 July. The office will be responsible for coordination structure for national and international NGOs under the cluster approach, engaging with government officials. The first coordinated Health Cluster meeting was held on 31 July, while a General Coordination meeting took place on 1 August in Karachi.

Cluster Activities
Shelter Cluster

8. As of 30 July, some 74,600 tents have been delivered in Sindh and Balochistan: 54,960 by the Government/NDMA, 10,523 by UN agencies and NGOs and 9,160 by PRCS/IFRC. Of approximately 58,322 additional emergency shelter kits confirmed for distribution, 22,450 are emergency transitional shelter kits that are also re-usable for reconstruction.

9. Roofing needs for 90,000 families rendered homeless by the floods have been met or about to be met. First hand evidence from national and international NGOs and IOM Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) indicate that actual coverage is 20% and rising to a maximum of 40% in accessible and worst affected districts.

10. IFRC will visit Sindh on 6 August to establish linkages with the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), the new UN Coordination Office and NGOs.

Health Cluster
11. Out of the 124,000 children targeted for measles vaccination, more than 73,000 have been vaccinated by UNICEF, partner organizations and the Provincial Health Department in the affected districts of Sindh and Balochistan.

12. Three children died from Gastroenteritis in Qambar district, Balochistan, on 1 August and from Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) in Turbat on 30 July. However, WHO reports that the percentage of AWD cases has decreased in Turbat District from 25% on 23 July to 15% on 31 July. WHO has provided two cholera kits to the district health official in this district. WHO and the Health Department of Balochistan conducted training on Disease Early Warning System (DEWS) on 1 August in Turbat for 38 doctors.

13. The Provincial Health Department of Balochistan reports that 25 medical camps and 28 outreach medical teams are working in flood affected districts of Balochistan. Some 153 doctors, including 13 females, are working in the teams. Essential drugs worth US$46,000 were provided to 7 districts including Naseerabad, Jaffarabad, Jhal Magsi, Kech, Kharan, Khuzdar and Awaran.

14. Of the 215 primary health facilities in Balochistan, 168 have been partially damaged and 47 badly damaged. Water and Sanitation Cluster

15. The estimated population in need of water trucking is 240,000 (180,000 in Balochistan and 60,000 in Sindh). The cluster is currently providing safe drinking water to 177,500 people through water trucking. Water is reaching 127,500 people in Balochistan province (Gwadar, Kech, Kharan, Naseerabad and Jhal Magsi districts) and a further 50,000 in Sindh province (Dadu and Kambar districts).

16. The total distribution of WASH-related nonfood items to date has included aqua tablets (1,200,000), purification sachets (1,235,000), nerox filters (9,700), jerry cans/buckets (32,525), water tanks/bladders (130), latrines (3,430), soap (97,000 bars) and water purification materials.

17. Approximately 300,000 of the total 726,000 population have benefited from the restoration of water supply schemes. Protection Cluster

18. Issues requiring advocacy have been raised with the NDMA. Those include safety for women accessing latrines, information on compensation grants among female headed households, and women unwilling to access distribution points due to cultural norms.

Food Security
19. The district department of agriculture and livestock reports that floodwaters destroyed 4.4 million tons of cotton, rice and sugarcane crops in Dadu district. Of the total 0.1 million acres of sown area, 71,806 acres of land has been inundated.

Nutrition Cluster
20. In Quetta, a three-day training programme on supplementary feeding and community based therapeutic care (CTC) was completed, including 21 participants from different partner agencies, Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP) and government officials from the Department of Health.

21. All supplies for the therapeutic feeding centers (TFCs) have been delivered to 5 districts of Balochistan (Nasirabad, Jafferabad, Sibi, Kech and Khuzdar) this week. In Sibi and Nassirabad, TFCs started working on 3 August. TFCs in remaining 3 districts are expected to start from 6 August.

22. As of 2 August, UNICEF has distributed 135MT of Unimix in 14 districts in Balochistan to children under five years and lactating/pregnant women. Supply of Unimix will continue in eight prioritized flood-affected districts for the next three months targeting some 40,000 children.

Information Management
Cluster-specific documents, situation reports, maps including Who What Where (3W), assessments and technical guidelines relating to this emergency can be found at www.pfic.webexone.com. This situation report together with further information on ongoing emergencies is also available on the OSOCC Internet Website. http://www.unocha.org/vosocc and on the OCHA Internet Website http://www.reliefweb.int/.


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