Flood Related Information


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pakistan: Floods/Cyclone OCHA Situation Report No. 6

This situation report is based on information received from the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Pakistan, National Disaster Management Authority, the National Disaster Response Advisor of OCHA in Pakistan, the Pakistan Meteorological Department, Clusters, The American Refugee Committee, and media sources.
1. According to the Pakistan Meteorological Department, the deep depression over India has weakened and is likely to move in a Westerly direction towards Pakistan. Under its influence strong monsoon moisture currents are penetrating into upper and southern parts of Pakistan.
Figures confirmed by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), 6th July 2007
2. The Provincial Government has initiated a survey of the post-cyclone status of the province’s infrastructure, medical facilities and social support.
3. In the daily meeting, NDMA reported that water is receding in the cyclone/flood affected districts of Balochistan. However, there is still an urgent need for drinking water, shelter kits and health & hygiene intervention in the districts of Turbat, Kharan, Khuzdar, Jhal Magsi, Sibi, Jaffarababd, and Gwadar.
4. According to NDMA, the situation in flood affected districts of Sindh has improved significantly.
5. As of 8th July, NDMA reported that communication links of all major roads have been restored. Presently 26 helicopters and C-130 airplanes are conducting relief activities in Balochistan.
6. Daily General Coordination Meetings, integrating the entire community response as well as government, cluster heads, military, UN Agencies, and NGOs are now taking place, replacing the coordination meetings by Balochistan Rural Support Programme.
7. Balochistan Provincial Government has requested for tents to establish two tent villages in the districts of Jal Magsi and Gandawa, which will have around 5,000 people in each camp. The Relief Commissioner informed that this request would be routed through NDMA, Islamabad.
8. Sindh Government has set up 47 relief camps for the displaced population of Shahdadkot in Qambar District. Larkana is being developed as the main logistic base for the district.
9. The Joint Assessment Missions to both Quetta and Karachi have commenced as announced in the OCHA Situation Report dated 6th July 2007. Details from the assessment will start to filter early next week.
10. UNDAC Team members are now fully deployed in three main centers (Islamabad, Karachi, and Quetta). Today, 8th July, the UNDAC teams situated in Quetta and Karachi have been involved in meetings with government officials, NDMA and joint assessment participants as a prelude to the planned field visits.
11. The UAE Government has pledged 3,000 tents for the districts of Karan, Balochistan and are expected to arrive within a week.
12. Contrary to what had been reported in the OCHA Situation Report of 5 July, the Government of Canada announced that it will contribute up to CAN Dollars 2 million (and not US$ 2 million), in immediate relief to the flood/storm-affected people of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The humanitarian aid will be provided through trusted international and local partners involved in the response.
13. On 6 July China donated USD 200,000 to the Government of Pakistan.
14. The IFRC launched on 04 July 2007 an appeal for CHF 10,380,000 (USD 8.5 million) for six months to assist 98,000 beneficiaries (14,000 families). Disaster Relief Emergency Funds (DREF) were allocated amounting CHF 250,000 on 02 July 2007. The Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) teams are currently performing initial assessment. These findings will be shared with the field assessment and coordination team (FACT), who are arriving in Islamabad and Karachi. The FACT will play a vital role in coordination and liaison.
15. Muslim Aid has responded to the cyclone by providing aid in the region of £250,000 to help those in need, with the assistance of its partner organisation, Global Medic of Canada. CRS is working with Caritas Pakistan and other Caritas members to respond to the floods. Malteser International distributes survival kits to 1000 families affected by the flood disaster in the south of Pakistan
16. Church World Service has distributed 320 plastic sheets for shelter in Gadap Town in the outskirts of Karachi. According to CWS P/A assessment out of 8 Union Councils in Gadap, four were badly hit. The overall cost of damage to the area is USD 3.5 million according to government estimates.
Cluster Activities
17. With the cluster system already operational in Islamabad, four clusters have started functioning in Quetta, including Health, Education, Protection and Water/Sanitation. Efforts are underway to establish the remaining clusters by engaging the relevant line departments.
Food Cluster
18. According to UNICEF situation report, a rapid assessment indicates that 300,000 people need ready-to-eat food rations, of whom 160,000 have been rendered food insecure due to 1) lack of access to markets and other food sources resulting from damaged/severed secondary and tertiary roads; and 2) loss of household food stores, livestock, crops and sources of income. As of 11 July, the number of food insecure persons will be verified by the Joint Assessment Mission.
19. Reports from NGOs and the government indicate sufficient food has been delivered to cover food insecure households in main population centers for 1-2 weeks. Based on information presently available, a total of 25,660 metric tones of bulk and ready-to-eat food commodities would be required to meet the minimum daily caloric requirements of 300,000 persons for 3 months at varying ration scales.
20. There is sufficient standing capacity (personnel, logistics, and food reserves) to meet immediate food requirements of 150,000 persons for one month. However the existing reserves need to be replenished through the appeal process.
21. Total cost of food and associated storage, transport and handling costs would amount to USD 17.5 million. On the assumption that at least 55 percent of the needs can be met through local sources, a draft appeal for 45 percent of requirements (USD 7.8 million or 11,550 MT) has been prepared and will be adjusted against the on going Joint Assessment.
22. Under the guidance of NDMA, the Food Cluster consisting of national and international NGOs is ready to support Pakistan relief efforts with e.g., food rations, logistics support, (trucking fleets, prefabricated storage, pallets, tarpaulins etc) vulnerability and Logistics Assessment and Mapping, and staff support.
Shelter Cluster
23. Shelter Cluster meetings are currently being held in Islamabad in conjunction with the Camp Management Cluster. IFRC has assumed the lead role for the Shelter Cluster.
24. Coordination services may need to be duplicated in Karachi and-or Quetta in order to better support Provincial Authorities and agencies active in shelter provision. This will be re-assessed in the light of findings from the common rapid needs assessment.
25. Information Management systems are under review, with consideration being given to commodity tracking, 3W mapping, google groups, and sectorspecific web-sites.
Health Cluster
26. NDMA has reported 305 cases of snake bites (230 in Sindh and 75 in Balochistan). ASV was given but ASV reserves are rapidly diminishing. WHO has been requested to arrange for more ASV.
27. Among the needs, there is urgency for drinking water, increased number of mobile health teams to serve the large displaced population. In addition there is a need to address duplication by improving coordination of distribution of relief items and services.
28. Around 2,000 cases (1,800 in Sindh and 140 in Balochistan) of diarrhea have been reported in health facilities. Also, 30 cases of skin diseases and 13 cases of acute respiratory infection have been reported in Gawadar.
29. NDMA has sent a team of 130 doctors from Punjab to Turbat, Balochistan and the Pakistan Institute of Medical Services PIMS has prepared the 1st batch of medicines as per requirement sent by DG Health, Balochistan to be delivered to Quetta through NDMA.
30. WHO in collaboration with the Ministry of Health has facilitated the establishment of Health Emergency Operation Center (HEOC) at Quetta and Kech districts. A Health department official would coordinate with the Emergency cell. The Disease Early Warning System (DEWS) has been activated in Karachi.
31. WHO has also facilitated the provision of Emergency Medical Kits, water purification tablets and capacity building of health department for collecting and compiling data to identify outbreaks of communicable diseases.
32. Health Cluster Coordination meetings are being held at the Provincial Health Directorate under the chairmanship of the Director General of Health Services in Balochistan.
33. UNICEF has 29 district support officers in Balochistan who are working with WHO. A Joint WHO and UNICEF team is also supporting Qamber authorities in the distribution of medicine and other supplies as well as assessing the flood situation, health delivery system and living conditions of the affected people. Medical Camps have been established by the health department, Army, and Police in Qabu Saeed Khan, district Qambar Shahdadkot in Sindh.
34. The American Refugee Committee is providing health services in districts Naushki. Care International is sending teams to Turbat for assessment to plan services. SC-US is providing services in district Bolan.
Protection Cluster
35. Eight persons from the Protection Cluster have joined the inter-cluster assessment team. The Assistant Director of the Ministry of Social Welfare of Balochistan will be the protection focal point for the flood response for the Ministry. Furthermore, Provincial Commission on Child Welfare and Development (PCCWD) will become the monitoring body of all the protection activities being carried out in the flood-affected areas.
36. NDMA has requested the Ministry of Social Welfare (MSW), UNICEF and partners to execute a separate in-depth assessment of the situation of orphans, separated children and single females. Plans and research tools are being developed for the execution of the assessment.
37. In Islamabad, the Cluster is chaired by UNICEF and the Ministry of Social Welfare and 12 partner organizations. Protection Cluster Meetings are now being held in Quetta. A mapping exercise is being done to coordinate who is doing what and where in Protection in Balochistan.
Education Cluster
38. Education Cluster meetings are taking place in Islamabad and Quetta. The Quetta Education Cluster is being led by the Director of Education, Balochistan and supported (co-chaired / facilitated by UNICEF and SC-US).
39. Coordination between the Education Cluster and other Clusters is strong, particularly at the Quetta level. The Cluster has representation by key sector partners including, UNICEF, UNESCO, NGO (e.g. Strengthening Participatory Organisation etc) and international NGOs (SC UK, SC US, Care International).
40. UNICEF is carrying out an assessment of the damaged schools. First consignment of 400 SIBs (School in a Box) shall arrive in Quetta within 2-3 days.
41. Once the preliminary data from the common assessment is analysed, the Education Cluster will reorganize and finalise its flash appeal document to meet the current needs on ground.
Logistics Cluster
42. Information related to logistics gaps, needs and capacity from different organizations is being consolidated. WFO is ready to assist in augmenting logistics services and capacity if required. Most organizations, so far, are responding from prepositioned stock in country or local purchase.
43. In the last Logistics Cluster meeting, 7th July, IOM, ACF, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, Mercy Corps, WHO discussed issues such as supply dispatch, pipeline, stocks, customs facilitation, suppliers of relief items, road access, and air operations.
44. This situation report together with further information on ongoing emergencies is also available on the OSOCC Internet Website. http://www.unocha.org/vosocc and on the OCHA Internet Website http://www.reliefweb.int/


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