Flood Related Information


Saturday, August 11, 2007

MAP International assists in aid to flood affected Pakistan

Pakistan has not yet recovered from the disastrous earthquake that struck Northern Areas of Pakistan on October 08, 2005 and now, another devastating disaster has hit the country.
On 23 and 24 June, 2007 coastal areas of Pkautan were hit by tropical cyclone Yemyin, packing winds of up to 80 miles per hour (130 kph) rode over the Arabian Sea to the South of Karachi and hit the coast of the south west province of Balochistan, dumping torrential rain over Balochistan and Sindh Provinces. The torrential rains and flash floods have played havoc in these areas and the numbers of causalities is rising in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).
The weather phenomenon has caused major loss of life, livelihood and property. So far, estimates of more than 1.5 million people across the three provinces Balochistan, Sindh and NWFP are homeless and have been badly affected. Most parts of these areas are still inaccessible and road communications are totally destroyed that has disrupted large scale rescue and relief work, which is being undertaken.
According to media reports, continuous rain, flooding and damage caused by cyclone Yemyin, in the southern Pakistan province of Balochistan, has now affected 1.5 million people, 250,000 are homeless and has claimed more than 100 lives (un-official according to media). Meanwhile, many people are still stranded in flood waters and waiting for rescue.
The current situation of the flood affected area is very miserable. People have lost their homes and livelihood. They have nothing left. Everywhere, people are looking for relief assistance to save lives. This assistance would help families to pass critical time in a good way and improve the living conditions.
In conjunction with other Global Relief Alliance members, Food for the Hungry, Medical Teams International, Christian Reformed World Relief, World Relief and World Concern, MAP International will directly fund 250 hygiene kits for the Pakistan emergency.
Items that are typically found in the hygiene kits that MAP will fund:
Soap, Towel, Combs, Tooth Brushes, Tooth Paste and Cotton Rolls amongst other items.
In order to fund this project and offset the risk of a potential malaria outbreak, $10,000 is urgently needed! Help us in the efforts to bring relief to those in Pakistan, an area that has not yet recovered from a crippling earthquake that occurred nearly two years ago.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jhal Magsi flood is of magnitude, as 1.5 million people have been effected, and yet, media coverage has been next to nil. Good to see your site covering the news. (whereas the Laal masjid episode got major coverage, and yet when thousands of lives are misplaced, the cameras are secured tightly). Pakistan, rise up! And report substance of use!! -Shaheen Sultan

9:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jhal Magsi flood is of magnitude, as 1.5 million people have been effected, and yet, media coverage has been next to nil. Good to see your site covering the news. (whereas the Laal masjid episode got major coverage, and yet when thousands of lives are misplaced, the cameras are secured tightly). Pakistan, rise up! And report substance of use!! -Shaheen Sultan

9:23 AM


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